Friday, May 20, 2011

Fifth Day

Today we got JB weld and used it to connect the PVC to the sprocket. We werent able to do too much more work because the JB weld took the entire day to dry. We had already finished and were just tweaking so it was okay that we couldnt do much. We also went to Home Depot and got the JB weld. We ended up lifting the entire spike strip up because the sprocket was too close to the ground. Today we were able to finish our design and left it overnight (over the weekend) to dry. We will be returning on monday to tweak and test our design.

10:00AM-2:30pm (4.5 HOURS)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 4

today was a very good day for our project. We ended up putting the final design together. we were able to shorten the pvc pipe in the middle to accomodate the new size of the whole spike strip. We then used a connector from another piece of pipe to put the two together. The PVC cement had unfortunately dried and we had to use screws to connect them instead.We ran into another problem of connecting the chain. The chain took hours to figure out how to connect and we ended up saving it for tomorrow because we couldnt figure it out. We ran into another problem: the entire spike strip was too close to the ground so our sprocket scraped. We solved this by lifting the entire strip up about an inch using a large piece of plywood. We then installed the sensors inside the strip to tell it where to stop.

9:30-4:45PM (7:15)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The third day we really made progress. We cut many pieces of wood and formed the actual hump. The spike strip is looking like an actual strip. The sprockets I connected to pieces of pvc via sanding and liquid nails. the two sprockets will be connected to both the motor and the piece of pvc that controls the up down mechanism. We then went and met with Son Tran once again for about an hour and a half. He gave us another idea of putting another piece of wood along the back of the piece with the nails in it. this would help reinforce the strength of the nails from any force pushing them down. 9:00AM-3:15PM (6:15)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


The second day is where the majority of our work was began. We completely took apart the first spike strip and began forming our second one. We used less steep ramps and inclines by using 2x10 boards instead of 2x8 or 2x6. This made our strip much more usable for todays modern sports cars with lower clearance. We made many cuts to perfect the angles and formed our basic frame design. We worked very quickly today and our project began to look like a spike strip again. We then returned to the bicycle shop that Son Tran reccomended to us in order to purchase a chain that actually worked with both of the sprockets we purchased yesterday. We had lunch delivered by Jimmy Johns to the school so we didnt have to waste time going to get it, but rather spent the time on our project. Today was a very good work day. 9:00 AM-2:00PM (5 hours)

Monday, May 16, 2011

First day

Today we began by moving all of the supplies from the classroom down into the cage. That took some muscle from out lead lifter brander january. After that we began to
Disassemble our previous design. We then left to go meet with our mentor son tran. After searching every building in the complex we finally found him and met in his office. He had many great ideas on how we could build our project. He also ended up giving us very good advice on college applications and decisions. From
There we went to the bicycle store on the advisement of son tran. He had given us the idea of using sprockets and a chain to lower the upper level
Down toward the ground. After that we went to home depot to get wood and liquid nails. From there we went to school and met with our advisor and dropped everything off

Friday, April 15, 2011

as of now

I am doing my senior project on building an automatically deploying spike strip under the instruction of Son Tran at Cisco Systems.